Kale Pesto

First written: March 18, 2013

A fast and easy recipe filled with vitamins and minerals, and hold up, your kid might love it too! My 5 year-old son loves this recipe. A major victory for parents who have that “how can I get my kid to eat more vegetables” dilemma. I was introduced to this recipe at my son's gardening program at school and have been making it ever since. Traditional pesto with Pecorino cheese has always left me  feeling a bit heavy. This recipe is light and zesty, which may be the reason why my son loves it. He eats it on slices of Sourdough baguette.


Throw this recipe together in minutes, spread it on a piece of toasted baguette, wholemeal bread, or crackers. Enjoy Kale Pesto as an appetizer, or stir in with your choice of pasta. 

Writer's note 1/2/21 Although veggie comnsumptions continues to be an iddue, our son still loves Kale Pesto.... and green smoothies. In 10 years, I'm sure there'll be 20 Somethings talking about Mothers who made Kale Pesto and Green Smootnies...


Kale Pesto

2 cups kale (lacinto or curly)

1 cup basil

2 cloves garlic, minced

fresh juice of one lemon

1/4 cup raw pine nuts

1/4 cup good olive oil

sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Optional: tbs vegan or dairy grated cheese


  1. Pulse all of the ingredients in a  Magimix for 1 minute or unitl well combined.  Season with salt and pepper, and serve. For optimum nutritional value, enjoy within 24 hours. If it lasts :)

 Serves 6