Gentle Wellness + Wisdom RSS

Sustainable Living

Waste Not, Want Not Use less! The Goodwill or Salvation Army are treasure troves, Gently worn pieces have a beautiful patina which makes them personal and special. They're also half the price and help to save the environment. Invest in glass or ceramic dishes. Plastic, when heated up, leaks toxins into foods and liquids, so if at all possible, leave it out. Thrift stores have shelves of old glass jars. A simple scrub, and they’re ready to be refilled. Old toothbrushes are perfect for cleaning, especially in between tiles in the bathroom. Recycle Recycling reduces what goes to landfill, but it's not a long-term solution. The unfortunate truth: recycling facilities are very specific about what they accept. Only 8% of plastics are...

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Lentil Soup With Spinach and Lemon

Here’s a comforting dinner with a lovely balance of herbs, citrus, and spices. Such a good good on a cold wintry day! Enjoy with your choice of organic multi seed bread. I love Erewhon's Seeded Sourdough!

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The Grocery List

I may be preaching to the choir, but it’s always good to have a gentle reminder. It’s a little bit like when you go to a friend’s house, and rediscover something yummy from Trader Joes (local grocery store in LA) that you forgot about. You’re like “oh yeah, these are great! Forgot about those.” Here ya  go..

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Rainbow Cheezecake

A raw and vegan dessert for Shiny Happy People! I've made vegan cheesecakes for years, but the thought of attempting a tie dye rainbow version felt a bit daunting. No more! Like anything in life, you simply have to go for it. Then you think, "why haven't I done this sooner?" "Just Do It" pretty much applies to everything in life.

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Buddha's Coleslaw

An Asian take on Coleslaw with a gingery, sweet and sour twist that will leave you feeling light and elevated. There are no guilt-ridden ingredients, so sidle up for seconds or thirds.

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